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Lidering, new member of the ESA (European Sealing Association)

Lidering ESA

From its start more than 40 years ago, Lidering pursues constant improvement, quality services and client satisfaction, and it also respects and endorses the main European and worldwide normative.

In this desire for constant improvement, Lidering has joined as a full right member of the ESA, European Sealing Association, as of the past March.

What is ESA?

ESA is a non-profit commercial association, which represents fabricants and suppliers of sealing devices and material. ESA members form the vast majority of sealing industry in Europe.

Just like Lidering, ESA bets on safety, energetic efficiency and environmental protection.

Its goals are:

  • · To develop appropriate standards for industry.
  • · To have a proper legislation.  
  • · To develop sealing technology.

ESA works as a forum, in which public interest topics can be discussed and actions can be taken. It acts as a contact point with other similar organizations and safeguards the quality of sealing industry.



On the other hand, ESA operates as an international group about issues in which an individual company may have little influence. Within the framework of the European Union, it operates in the following areas:

  • · Development of regulations relevant to industry.
  • · It has influence and cooperates in legislation regarding sealing.
  • · It cooperates with national organizations and other associations. Like the American FSA.
  • · It educates and trains its members and clients.

Within of the ESA there are 5 different divisions according to product. Lidering is part of the Mechanical Seals division, where a variety of topics are discussed, such as the usage of mechanical seals and sealing equipment, the identification of national and international requirements that affect the use of mechanical seals and the standards that are responsible for their regulation.

We give our point of view while learning from the best actionists in the market. For that, we took part in the annual meeting of 2018 held in Mira, Italy, where we met different work groups and learnt about the market evolution of the following months, both at the legislative and commercial levels.

Being a member of the ESA makes us closer to the best companies in the market and upgrades our knowledge of the products and clients’ needs, with the aim to continue to offer quality products and competitive services.


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